
Wifi off in windows 8
Wifi off in windows 8

Step 1: Right-click on the Taskbar and choose Task Manager to continue. The third solution to fix the issue of WiFi icon missing from Taskbar is to restart the File Explorer. How amazing is that? - The icon used by the tile is "Wireless" taken from the noun project ().Read More Solution 3. This app is therefore available and translated in every language worldwide. Nothing is wasted - The full code of the app is about 16 instructions long, this makes the marketplace description way longer than the app code - The only word in this app is "Wifi". Come on, press this "Accept" button now, pleaaaaase? - The size limit of a description on the marketplace is 2000 characters, and this app uses it all. What can this app do? - Opening your Wi-Fi settings in a convenient and fashionable way - Waste space on your homescreen - Use about 13KB of data on your mobile plan for downloading What can't this app do? - Anything not listed above - Running on Windows Phone 7 - Customizing the tile icon - Automatically turning on or off your Wi-Fi - Computing the millionth decimal of Pi (not even the first one, mind you) - Making you any more handsome (show off) Miscellaneous facts: The marketplace employee reviewing this description is really nice. If you need extra features, I strongly suggest you download another app, like the excellent Network Dashboard.

wifi off in windows 8

The code has been reduced to the bare minimum. No customizable tile, no background process checking whether the Wi-Fi is turned on, nothing. All this app does is launching the Wi-Fi settings screen of your phone.

wifi off in windows 8

And since there may be other folks like out there, I finally decided to publish it. It has always bothered me, so I decided to make an app that doesn't. When using another Wi-Fi shortcut app, you may have noticed that the app stays in the history when switching tasks by using a long-press on the back button. There's already dozens of those, so why making one more? Quite simple, really.

Wifi off in windows 8